King Geedorah, “Monster Zero”
Chemical Brothers, “Galvanize”
Evolution Control Committee, “Star-Spangled Bologna”
Outhud, “This Just In/It's For You”
Ween, “The Shot Heard Round The World”
Gorillaz, “Feel Good Inc.”
Flaming Lips, “Fight Test”
Fanny Pack, “Keep It Up”
The B-52's, “Mesopotamia”
Freedom Call, “Hero Nation”
Six Million Dollar Man Theme
Charming Hostess, “Death Is A Job”
Cheb Jilani, “Bahebbak” (North African Groove comp)
Pink Floyd, “Bike”
My Country Of Illusion, “Mi Pais”
Jefferson Airplane, “The Ballad of You and Me And Pooneil”
Feller Quentin, “Invocation” (Amoeba Music Comp V)
The Ray Makers, “Rhesus Monkey Cups” (Amoeba Music Comp V)
Daft Punk, “Aerodynamic”
Butthole Surfers, “Jet Fighter”
Ellen Allien, “Down”
(Entertainment Calendar)
Cheb I Sabbah, “Sadats: Saints of Marrakesh”
Bran Flakes, “Strawberry Simmons”
MC Honky, “The Object” (Anniversary Party soundtrack)
Evolution Control Committee, “I Want A Cookie”
R.E.M., “It's The End of the World As We Know It”
Kumquat, “In The Wonderworld of Science”
Tears For Fears, “Mad World”
Agentss, “Agentss” (Nao Wave comp)
Sameera, “Ena Akian (D&B mix)” (Bhangra comp)
Freeland, “We Want Your Soul” (Peace Not War Vol. 2 comp)
Scott Fitzgerald, “Coyote Dance” (Essential World Disc comp)
Laurie Anderson, “O Superman”
Mudville, “I Orbit”
Gorillaz, “Dare”
Nameless & Faceless, “Whitey On The Moon”
Prokofiev, “March from Love For Three Oranges”
Butthole Surfers, “Shame Of Life”