The Cure, “Let’s Go To Bed”
Cake, “The Distance”
King Geedorah, “Monster Zero”
The Avalanches, “Frontier Psychiatrist”
Nameless & Faceless, “Whitey On the Moon”
Bobby McFerrin, “Drive My Car”
Go Home Productions, “Crazy Little Fool”
Charming Hostess, “Viva Orduenya”
Banyan, “Om Om Om”
Peter Gabriel, “Of These, Hope”
Flying Lizards, “Money (That’s What I Want)”
Jimmy Edgar, “Uniform”
Meri Von KleinSmid, “Des Vetters Eckfenster”
Daft Punk, “Harder Better Faster Stronger”
My Robot Friend, “The Fake”
Tussle, “Fire Is Hot”
Midival Punditz, “Air”
Sons of Armageddon, “Wall Street Colonel”
(Entertainment Calendar)
DJ Cheb I Sabbah, “Najma: Miskatonic”
Miranda July, “I Can Japan”
Secret Mommy, “The Beach”
Tinariwen, “Dualahila Artesninam”
Hellfish, “U Don’t Quit” (AmMuNition comp)
Inclitorotti, “Marijuana”
Musical Youth, “Pass The Dutchie”
Eddie Murphy, “Boogie In Your Butt”
Sparkydog, “Program”
Nomo, “Better Than That”
Evolution Control Committee, “I Want A Cookie”
Attaboy & Burke, “Nucleus Without A Cell”
The Beakers, “Red Towel”
Girl Talk, “Touch 2 Feel”
Aphex Twin, “Digeridoo”
Anti-Ear, “Cow Cow”
Gun Club, “Promise Me”
De La Soul, “Buddy”
Cake, “Rock N Roll Lifestyle”